Thursday, March 5, 2009

Brushing Dog Teeth


I was browsing around the pet shop that I frequent, and started to chat with one of the salesgirls there.

We were sharing our experiences on how to maintain our dogs teeth.

I saw some new brushes and tooth paste and also a solution to be diluted with water for the dog to drink.

She was telling me that she finds it every effective to brush her dog teeth with the oral gel I mentioned in my earlier post though it is expensive. It took about a month to see the results but she was happy with it.

The solution to control tartar is not that effective.

Though I think Jack and Ruby teeth are reasonably maintained, I decided I will go back to doing some brushing as recommended by the girl.

This is the oral gel we were referring to, I wrote about it in my earlier posting.

I am still using it but not regularly so I have to get back to it again, but I will buy a toothbrush rather than use my finger.....ha...ha....

Stay tune, I will update you on the progress ...


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